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Outsourced Marketing - More Than Just Tactics

Written by Tony Shannon | November 1, 2017

It’s not enough these days to settle for traditional marketing and the sales goals that suit your company’s selling agenda. Digital technology and the Internet have changed marketing for the most all industries. 

Across all industries, buyers have seized power in the purchasing process, and if you’re a seller, you have to respond.

The changing behavior of your buyers isn’t something abstract; they have more options to research your offerings than ever before.

The transformation of marketing in response to digital technology means that it can work for your benefit too.

Inbound Marketing

Traditional marketing methods, such as cold calling buyers, advertising in trade journals, and tradeshow booths focused on the priorities of sellers.

After all, when information about goods and services is scarce, your best lead generation option is to invest in mass-market media and the broadest initial contact efforts and buyers had to take what they could get.

Now, you can use the Internet to research products and vendors from the information sources they find online and make judgments about which ones they trust.

So, your buyers come to you forearmed with information and confidence. Inbound marketing emerged in response to this newfound buyer sophistication.

The ability of buyers to research the products and services they desire changes the balance of power, but it can work to your advantage as a seller too.

By focusing on the perspectives and experiences of your customers, you can anticipate their pain points and match your offerings to their needs.

Fortunately, you don’t have to retrain your sales team to become marketers or open a new whole department to capture qualified leads from tech-savvy buyers.

Marketing is a vibrant profession that has evolved along with the changing behaviors of buyers, and potential marketing partners are waiting to help you.

Outsourced Marketing And Sales Enablement

Inbound marketing isn’t a fad or alternative lead generation tactics; it’s a set of integrated tools that can increase the quantity and quality of your sales leads.

Buyers have the initiative and come to the table armed with information before they sit down with sellers. But if you’ve done the groundwork, it’ll be your sales team they choose to contact.

Outsourcing your marketing and sales enablement tasks to specialists who devote their working lives to marketing allows you to get on with the core activities of your business.

Established marketing professionals bring experience and knowledge to support your sales team as partners, without adding overhead costs to your company.

Choose The Right Marketing Company

The Inbound methodology brings motivated buyers to you if it’s applied correctly. So rather than just farming out the writing, formatting, and technical aspects of your campaigns to freelancers, hire the right outsourcing partner to bring high-quality warm leads to your sales team.

When you decide to implement inbound marketing and sales enablement, you’ll face unfamiliar tasks such as SEO, content creation, and website analytics, these are all critical to the success of your campaigns.

Can you rely on organic search or should you include PPC ads in your campaign?

Outsourcing the marketing, sales enablement, and lead generation of your business can save costs and advise on how to optimize your campaigns.

A suitable partner will provide the answers and strategies to attract the buyers that are already searching for your products.

Be careful to choose a partner that’s familiar with your industry to guarantee success in your campaigns together. Marketing partners know their business, but to serve you best they also need to know your business too.

The right partners will align your outsourced marketing activities to the objectives of your sales team. Your marketers should deliver content that fits the manufacturing sales context and guides the attention of buyers to your products. 

Outsourcing For A Successful Transformation

Outsource part or all of your inbound marketing, sales enablement, and lead generation activities; the right combination is the one that delivers the best results.

The scope can range from the basics of lead qualification to a complete strategy for marketing and sales.

Outsourced marketing gives you more than just tactics and legwork in support of your sales; it can be a flexible, strategic asset that injects valuable knowledge into your organization.

RiseFuel is the outsourced marketing partner that provides the optimum outcome for successful growing companies. Please contact us to learn how we can help you power up your sales success.