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What to Know When Working With Charlotte Marketing Companies

Written by Tony Shannon | January 4, 2019

So — you want to expand the presence and reach of your company through digital marketing channels, but aren’t exactly sure where to start? 

This is the most common situation that businesses are in when they come to us here at RiseFuel. However, sifting through Charlotte marketing companies to find the right one for your business can be a lot more difficult than it initially seems.

There are a few key things that all businesses should understand before hiring a marketing company.

Having an understanding of these things will not only help you to set realistic expectations for your engagement but will also help you to better define the cadence of your communications to ensure success for both teams.

As you evaluate the different Charlotte marketing companies to find the right fit for your business, keep these important considerations in mind:

Great Results Take Time

OK, this is a big one and a difficult one to pin down because every situation is different. The amount of time that it takes a marketing company to begin to deliver measurable results can differ for everyone company based on their own situation.

Companies that have a pretty solid marketing foundation laid when they come into a new engagement are likely to see results more quickly than those that will need systems built from the ground up.

However, the services that the consultant provides will affect this as well. PPC delivers results more quickly than SEO. In fact, we tell all of our new clients that they can expect to see SEO results really start to take shape between months 6 and 10.

Either way, companies should go into engagements with marketing companies with an understanding that the first 1-3 months will be spent laying the foundation for the strategies that will truly drive their business a year or more down the line.

Understand that it takes time to get your business in front of your audience reliably and work with firms to ensure that you are creating a reliable long-term foundation, not just short-term results.


Agencies Define and Refine Objectives and Goals

When I start working with a new client, one of the first things I ask is what metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) they use to measure their own success. This gives me a good starting point for determining what a successful outcome will look like for their business.

In the long-term, you should give the company that you hire control over what your goals and important metrics are.

They know best what success looks like in marketing and allowing them to have full control over how success is defined will often yield better results than playing such a strict role in the way your marketing operations are handled.

If you hire a marketing company to handle your digital presence, have faith in them. Let them define and refine your objectives, goals, and KPIs, defining what a successful outcome looks like for your business.

Source: SmartInsights

Perfect for Filling Your Resource Gaps

Some see hiring a marketing agency as simply an exercise in bringing in outside advice to help them to refine their approach.

While that is a huge benefit of working with an agency, one of the often overlooked benefits is that a marketing agency can help you to plug resource gaps within your organization.

A great consultant (or agency) can, in many ways, replace a marketing director or your own in-house marketing team.

The time and money that would normally go to identifying candidates, conducting interviews, hiring adept professionals, and onboarding them onto your teams can be pushed aside.

Instead, you can bring a proven expert onto your team for a fraction of the cost. Often, agencies are able to deliver even better results than you would get from hiring in-house.

Data-Based Decision-Making Separates Companies

If you are speaking with a company about potentially working for your business and they aren’t mentioning data-based decisions at every turn and telling you how they will use data to drive their own strategies, it might be best for you to look in another direction.

Any modern digital marketing agency that is worth their salt will use data to drive their strategies and position your business for success.

Make sure that whoever you work with can clearly explain how they incorporate data into their processes

A great marketing agency will not only help you to use the data that you capture but will find new methods for capturing data that help you to expand your understanding of your visitors and customers.

Clear Communication Is the Most Important Trait

When it comes to working with a consulting company, there are few things that are more important than their ability to communicate effectively and clearly.

Remember — the consultant that you choose to work with won’t be in your office every day. He won’t be as present as other employees within your company.

Still, hey need to keep you apprised of where your investment is going and what kind of results it is driving for your business.

The engagement will only be worthwhile for both parties if the consultant can show how their efforts are paying off for your business through detailed reporting, in-depth meetings, and regular communication on issues and surprises that they run into throughout their efforts.

Source: Dynamic Signal

Experience in Your Industry is a Huge Bonus

As you evaluate Charlotte marketing companies, lean toward those that have experience in your industry.

These are the companies that will have an understanding of your customers and connections within in your industry to help you set up beneficial partnerships, secure placements on popular industry publications, and improved chances of creating positive outcomes.

Here at RiseFuel, I typically work with companies in the medical, manufacturing, and technology.

A True Partnership

When I work with a new company, I don’t view it as simply taking on a client. It’s a long-term partnership.

True success in digital marketing relies on an ongoing commitment to create effective campaigns that bridge multiple channels and position your company as a true authority in your industry.

Our services provide full-spectrum marketing and sales services that not only help you to generate more leads but also close more sales.